Friday, January 22, 2016

My Idol

My idol, the person I look up to the most, is my mother. I've known her since the day I was born and since then she has cared, protected, and most importantly loved me. She's extremely hard working and because of her I strive to become the best person I could possibly be. I'm proud to say that I hope to become like my mother when I grow up. The amount of love she manages to give my sister and I is unreal.

She has made so many sacrifices for my sister and I and for that I am eternally grateful. She tries her absolute hardest in everything she does and because of that, I try to do the same. She's incredibly persistent and stubborn for the things that will benefit all of us. Even when something might seem impossible, she somehow always finds a way to accomplish it if she truly sets her mind to it. Everything she does I use as an example.

Not only is she an overall magnificent person, but she's an even better mom. I'm 100% completely comfortable with telling her all my problems and secrets, that's how much trust I have with her. She somehow always knows what to say when I'm having a bad day, while still slipping in a lecture to help me learn what to do and not do to avoid the situation next time. She understands that everyone makes mistakes and that nobody is perfect. My mother always asks me about how my day went the second I go into the car and gives me an abundance of hugs and kisses daily. She's the reason why I have the grades that I have, why I try so hard in school, and overall try my best in everything I do. I know this might sound a bit cliche, but it's true. I want to repay her for everything she does in the future.

She's an amazing person, and words can't describe how much I love my mother.

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