Thursday, April 21, 2016

TED Talk

The Internet is a marvelous invention that helps us in many ways. Now, we could communicate to our friends and family from long distances faster than ever before and become social activists with a click of a button. However, there are some aspects that could negatively affect out lives. For example, it's very easy to harass and verbally attack people on the internet. Another thing is that hardly anything on the internet is private. Once something is there, there's no erasing it (AKA a digital footprint). Also, we have little to no privacy on the internet, since most of all of your personal information is out there for strangers to see.

There are five critical challenges facing today's media. One of them is the fact that rumors are hard to control. Rumors that are biased are believed by a wide range of people. The second challenge is that everyone who disagrees/has a different belief than others, people tend to block. People usually talk to people with similar beliefs to them. The third is that online discussions tend to turn into angry mobs. The fourth is that it's hard to change people's opinions. People jump to conclusions about important topics and don't want to change their views. The fifth challenge is that instead of having deep, meaningful conversations where people could discuss their different opinions and views, we are only doing the opposite through social media.

Wael Ghomin has some suggestions to "liberate the internet". One of them, as Ghomin states in his presentation, is "To make it socially acceptable and even reward people to change their minds/opinions. This will make it easier for people to change their perspective". this could liberate the internet because it could help people see things in a way they have never even considered before. Another is, as Ghomin states, "To focus more on quality in a post. Even though a biased post will get someone more views, quality posts would have ore of an impact." This is also good because it would encourage people to show both sides of a topic without being biased and spreading false information.

In conclusion, there are so many challenges we face in modern social media. There are also many ways we could combat these challenges. By being open minded and listening to other people's thoughts and opinions without being biased, we could possibly shape a better form of media for the future. There are so many things we could do to "liberate the internet". Be part of the solution, not the problem.

The Personality Test

A few days ago, we were made to take a personality test. The result i got was ENFP, " The Campaigner". I'll be discussing my results.

Some strengths the test says I have are that I'm curious, observant, energetic and enthusiastic, I'm an excellent communicator, know how to relax, and that I'm very popular and friendly. I'd say I would agree with most of these results. I'm extremely curious, energetic, and enthusiastic. I really enjoy speaking to people, and I would consider myself as friendly. I don't however, know how to relax. I usually stress out over the tiniest things, and it takes my friends and family's methods to calm me down, which usually works.

The weaknesses the test says I have are that I have poor practical skills, I can't really concentrate, I over think things, I get stressed easily, I'm highly emotional, and I'm independent to a fault. Again, I agree with most of these things. I really overthink things. Although I enjoy talking to many groups of people, a comment I remember saying would stay in my mind, and I would overthink if they felt as if I have offended them. I then feel the need to go on an essay long apology, which usually ends with them saying something like 'What? What are you talking about?' I also get stressed over the smallest of things, but most of the reasons I get stressed are test/quiz related. I am also very emotional. I once cried because I got less than an A on a test that I was so sure I would get everything right on. There are some things though that I don't agree with, like saying that I'm independent to a fault. Although I despise group projects with a passion, I sometimes find myself asking my friends and family for advice on what to do. In a way, I'm independent, but I know when to ask for help when I need it. I also find myself having trouble concentrating (except during classes and important events) because I find every little thing funny. I laugh at the dumbest things and once I start, I can't stop.

Apparently, ENFP personality types have a big circle of friends because their warmth and sincerity draws people in. They're open minded and put their all into their friendships, giving support and advice when needed. They also try to bring more reserved people out of their shells, and know that different people have different opinions. I agree with this. Every time someone even looks remotely sad, I constantly shower them with compliments and advice, understanding if they don't want me to tell them what's happening with them. I love hearing other people's opinions, because it shows me a new perspective to things that I might not have even thought of.

For career paths,"If there's a challenge ENFPs face when selecting a career, it isn't that they lack talent or options or drive, it's that there are so many things out there that are just cool." I really agree with this. There are SO many things I want to be. Some of these include being an actress, model, scientist/tinkerer, brain or heart surgeon, writer, photographer, debater, lawyer, marine biologist, chemist, musician, and so much more. All of these things just seem so amazing to do, and if someone were to ask me what was ONE thing I wanted to be, I would have trouble deciding because I have so many desires of what to become.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Favorite Author

My favorite author would have to be Jennifer L. Armentrout since she has created many of my favorite book series, including my overall favorite, the Lux series. I adore her work because she has a great sense of humor which she incorporates into her books. She was born in West Virginia on June 11, 1980. She typically writes young adult novels. One of my favorite quotes from her is, "Memories, even bitter sweet ones, are better than nothing." This shows that having something you could remember and keep with you is better than nothing.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Dear Past Self..

Hey past me! It's future you! I'm currently 23 years old and am studying in Stanford for an upcoming exam in one of my classes. It was a tough road for you to get here, but you somehow managed to make it. I'm living in one of the school's dorm and made great friends with my roommate. I haven't changed much from when I was your age, I'm still a happy little ball of sunshine. My hairstyle and fashion sense has changed dramatically, thank god. I don't know how you managed to survive middle school with that bird nest on your head.

In the past ten years, I haven't really done much. I typically spent my time online and studying, but of course I hung out with a lot of my friends during high school. I had many friends, which is good because they helped me to where I am right now. I didn't really go anywhere with them outside of school hours however, and I enjoyed it that way. I would relax and stay home to read a book, go on the internet, or study for future exams. Obviously a few people found this strange and called me a nerd or a geek, but honestly it was all worth it in the future. Don't let them discourage you and let them affect your grades like I almost let them do, when you have an amazing career and a beautiful family, you'll look back and smile at how far you've gotten because you haven't let them affect you.

Don't listen to anything anyone says that's negative. Either way people will talk. If you're smart and have some of the highest grades, they'll make fun of you. If your grades are low and you have trouble understanding, people will still make fun of you. Don't let them bring you down, people will go after the person who's different. They'll go after people who are better than them just to feel superior. Whatever you do, don't listen to them.

Be humble. Never brag about something good that has happened to you for the sake of the feelings of others. Also be friendly. Your friends will be there for you when you most need them. However, if you need important advice, ask your mother. She's wise and will know exactly what to do in a situation.

Anyways, I'm currently very excited because my sister's wedding will be this week! Although she's played hard to get for the past ten years, I knew she couldn't resist her boyfriend forever. I'm also super excited since I managed to score an interview for an internship for a very influential person that will help me on my road to success. Anyways, have fun doing whatever you're doing now, and enjoy your sleep while you can, because collage would make such a simple thing like resting seem like a privilege.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thomas Edison quote

¨I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.¨ -Thomas Edison

This is my favorite quote of Thomas Edison. I believe this quote means that as long as you´re trying, you aren´t failing because it only means you´re one step closer to success. It is valuable to me because it gives me inspiration every time I feel like giving up on something, which happens more likely than I would want it to. It relates to my life in many ways, for example if I do something wrong, I just learn from my mistake and keep on trying to get whatever I´m doing right.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Digital citizenship could be defined in many ways. It could mean being conscientious about yourself and others on the internet. It could be following all the internet ´rules´ and being appropriate online. Overall it means doing everything on the internet the way it was meant to be done while being kind to everyone online.

I use technology on a daily basis. I use my phone and laptop much more than I´m proud to admit. I rarely use my phone for phone calls, unless it´s to tell someone something, but I mostly just go onto social media for entertainment to kill time. I use my laptop to write stories, play online, and sometimes for projects or articles for the school´s newspaper. Two advantages I have with social media is that I get to contact my family in a matter of mere seconds and I get to contact my friends from around the world. I also get to learn many new things about subjects I haven even known existed. Two disadvantages about technology is that I´m addicted to it. I can seem to control myself around my phone and end up checking it every minute or so. Also, technology has made me significantly lazier.

Two aspects of social media that I do is not plagiarizing other people´s work. Even if I use other websites for reference, I never just copy and paste off of someone else´s work. If I DO find what they´re saying interesting and want to include it, I would put their words in quotation marks and add the source. I also do my best to never insult anyone online. If I see something I don´t like on the internet, I just ignore it. Two aspects I fail horribly at is not being able to put my phone down (A.K.A internet health). My phone is addicting, and once I get on I completely lose track of time and stay on the internet longer than I was planning to. I could improve this by setting alarms for myself to keep track of time. I´m also bad at being a social activist. If I every feel passionate about something I want to change, I never go to social media about it, even though I know that social media would have much more of an effect. I could fix this by adding hashtags next to posts and things I feel like need to change.

I could use technology to improve myself as a student because on multiple occasions there have been times where I don't understand a certain subject. What I have done and what I can do in the future is look up that subject on the internet to be able to understand it better. Technology could help me improve when I'm a young adult by helping me become organized with the multiple agendas, calendars, and resources provided to me. Technology could help me improve myself as a digital citizen by helping me become aware of what's going on in the world or helping be become more educated on certain situations.Technology can help me reach my goals in the future by helping me establish connections with important people that will help me make my way to the top.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If I could end a problem...

If I could end a problem, I feel like it would have to be bullying. Bullying is a major struggle most kids go through in school. Bullying has gotten so bad, it is estimated that 160,000 students miss school daily because of fear of getting bullied. Bullying can cause lasting mental problems, and can even push kids to wanting to commit suicide. Although bullying will never truly end, there are multiple things we could do to prevent it. Don't be a bystander. You'll be just as bad as the bully if you just stay and watch; you'll only encourage him/her. It would be best to inform an adult about the situation so that they may handle it. If you or someone you know gets bullied frequently, tell somebody whether that means your parents, sister, brother, etc. Even if you don't believe it right now, they will help.