Friday, January 29, 2016

Dear Aliens Invading Our Planet...

Dear Alien, let me tell you about Earth,

Hi there! We humans might possibly seem as some deformed monstrosity on your planet, but if you'll be staying here you might want to get used to us. Anyways, I'll be your tour guide in this magnificent place.

In this wonderful planet, there're many different regions to explore, each with their own characteristics and animals inhabiting them. From the alluring mountain ranges, to the beautiful tropical forests. The creatures on Earth are all very different. They each have their own characteristics and genetics have found ways to adapt to the region that they live in.

Earth is beautiful, well most of it is. We-the humans- are the creatures who are at the top of the food chain. Humans are very different, and we each have our own unique personalities and cultures. There are  many things that separate and divide us humans, some issues including politics, religion, and other topics are things that could begin conflict between us, some of which involves violence. Each and every person is different and has varying beliefs. We could adapt to almost any situation and we each have our own way of living depending on the region we live in.

I wish I could tell you more, but I wish for you to experience this world with your own eyes. Make yourself at home, and please don't harm us for we're fragile flesh creatures. Welcome to Earth, we hope you enjoy your stay!

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