Friday, January 29, 2016

Dear Aliens Invading Our Planet...

Dear Alien, let me tell you about Earth,

Hi there! We humans might possibly seem as some deformed monstrosity on your planet, but if you'll be staying here you might want to get used to us. Anyways, I'll be your tour guide in this magnificent place.

In this wonderful planet, there're many different regions to explore, each with their own characteristics and animals inhabiting them. From the alluring mountain ranges, to the beautiful tropical forests. The creatures on Earth are all very different. They each have their own characteristics and genetics have found ways to adapt to the region that they live in.

Earth is beautiful, well most of it is. We-the humans- are the creatures who are at the top of the food chain. Humans are very different, and we each have our own unique personalities and cultures. There are  many things that separate and divide us humans, some issues including politics, religion, and other topics are things that could begin conflict between us, some of which involves violence. Each and every person is different and has varying beliefs. We could adapt to almost any situation and we each have our own way of living depending on the region we live in.

I wish I could tell you more, but I wish for you to experience this world with your own eyes. Make yourself at home, and please don't harm us for we're fragile flesh creatures. Welcome to Earth, we hope you enjoy your stay!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Dream Job

 My dream job would be to have a career in acting. Ever since I was young, I've wanted to be an actress. I've always adored the spotlight and when we've had school plays in elementary school, I would always strive to have a major role. I would work anywhere, as long as it interests me and if I know I could play the part. I would like to bring joy and entertainment to everyone who watches me, and perhaps maybe even inspire people with the characters that I play. I feel like being an actress would be very interesting. I know it might be a bit stressful, but I imagine it would be fun and adventurous trying to be different people with multiple ranges of personalities.

Friday, January 22, 2016

My Idol

My idol, the person I look up to the most, is my mother. I've known her since the day I was born and since then she has cared, protected, and most importantly loved me. She's extremely hard working and because of her I strive to become the best person I could possibly be. I'm proud to say that I hope to become like my mother when I grow up. The amount of love she manages to give my sister and I is unreal.

She has made so many sacrifices for my sister and I and for that I am eternally grateful. She tries her absolute hardest in everything she does and because of that, I try to do the same. She's incredibly persistent and stubborn for the things that will benefit all of us. Even when something might seem impossible, she somehow always finds a way to accomplish it if she truly sets her mind to it. Everything she does I use as an example.

Not only is she an overall magnificent person, but she's an even better mom. I'm 100% completely comfortable with telling her all my problems and secrets, that's how much trust I have with her. She somehow always knows what to say when I'm having a bad day, while still slipping in a lecture to help me learn what to do and not do to avoid the situation next time. She understands that everyone makes mistakes and that nobody is perfect. My mother always asks me about how my day went the second I go into the car and gives me an abundance of hugs and kisses daily. She's the reason why I have the grades that I have, why I try so hard in school, and overall try my best in everything I do. I know this might sound a bit cliche, but it's true. I want to repay her for everything she does in the future.

She's an amazing person, and words can't describe how much I love my mother.

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Semester Goal

My semester goal is to create a Youtube account and to create fun little videos. This goal is personal. There are many reasons why I chose this goal. I am a huge fan of Youtube and love watching the videos of many people. I've realized that whenever I have a bad day, I always hop onto Youtube and the people on the other side of the screen always seem to cheer me up. I realized I want to do the same. I want to make people smile and perhaps make their day like the other creators do to me. Achieving this goal would help me in my personal success in many ways. It would help me become  more open and improve my confidence in public speaking, which is a very valuable skill that I would need for the future. It would also give me something to do when I'm bored. The first step I have to do to complete this goal is to, of course, create a youtube account. From there, I'll try to upload videos every month or so and to make them look decent, I'll learn how to edit with help from my friend. I could stay accountable to my goal by making reminders to myself every now and then to remind myself to upload a video and to make sure that I'm actually reaching my goal, I will constantly track my progress so that if I realize that I'm not completing my goal, I could know what I need to change to stay on track on the path of completing the challenges that I've set for myself. The most challenging part of completing this goal is the ability to not be lazy. I am almost positive that there will be months that I would feel like not updating, since laziness is a huge problem that I struggle with. Therefore, to overcome this challenge I would have to find many ways to motivate myself to upload videos every month. This is my semester goal.